WP 6: Gap Analysis and Priorities

Kickoff Meeting
Gap Analysis Review


WP 6 has the goal to determine gaps in European observation networks using both a top-down and bottom-up approach and to define priorities in closing these gaps. The workpackage has three tasks:

  • Task 6.1: Definition of the gap anlysis methodology: As part of the ConnectinGEO methodology, five threads are being considered:
    • Using a comparison between the SEE IN Knowledge Base requirements for EVs and the data discoverable through the DAB to identify gaps in the quantification of the metrics defined in Task 2.2.
    • Incorporate of material from international programs.
    • Using the observation inventory (Task 4.1), study the different parameters in the observation definition to determine gaps in extent, time series etc and additionally usefulness in predictive models, lack of documentation, data quality and openness and GEOSS Data CORE participation.
    • Using ENEON assessment (Task 3.2), determine gaps in sensor types, variables and specs.
    • Using the Industry challenge experiments, getting feedback from real applications.
  • Task 6.2: Gap Analysis:
    • Use the previous methodology to generate gap analysis.
    • Detect duplicities. Maximize the impact on climate, natural resources and raw materials.
    • How networks can be complemented by sharing same bases, distribution networks and standards.
    • Study material from international programs such as Future Earth, Belmont Forum, the Research Data Alliance and community assessments of socio-economic benefits of EO.
    • Organize the gap analysis workshop (WS6)
  • Task 6.3: Priorities determination:
    • Criteria need in models, cross domain, more than one methodology, best connected to SDG indicators, in-situ and RS connection, industry requirement, etc.
    • Compare the gap analysis methodology to the prioritization algorithms implemented in the SEE IN Knowledge Base.
    • Compare the requirements and needs derived for the strategic targets and EV for Task 2.1 and Task 2.2 with the ones in Task 5.1 and assess the relevance of the gaps.
    • Consider money saving strategies such as sharing among networks data logger capture, data distribution networks, data dissemination infrastructures, etc.
    • Generate a final consultation process to sort the priorities. Detect unexploited multiple observations of environmental properties in different SBAs and CoPs.
    • Contact the national research funding initiatives to improve the outtake of the EU funding in observation networks in coordination with task 7.2.
    • Consider VGI and Citizens Science a possible contribution to fill gaps.
    • By regular contacts with the GEO bodies, provide suggestions for the new GEO Implementation Plan.
    • Consider measures that can be implemented via the future Earth Observation ERA-NET of the call 2015 of Societal Challenge 5.
    • Organize the second ENEON plenary workshop (WS7)

For both gap analysis and priority determination, two loops will be carried out.

Deliverables of these tasks will become available here in due time. For Task 6.1, a summary of the gap analysis considerations in GEO is available here.

Tasks 6.2 is organizing a workshop on Gap Analysis and Prioritization on October 10-11, 2016 at IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria. Information on the workshop is available at http://www.gstss.org/2016_Laxenburg_Gaps.

The preliminary result of the gap analyses carried out in the project are available at http://twiki.connectingeo.net/foswiki/bin/view/ConnectinGEOIntranet/GapAnalysisTable.

Task 6.3 also is supposed to organize a workshop. This has been replaced by the ENEON plenary workshop, which will take place on October 12-13, 2016 at IIASA (see http://www.gstss.org/2016_Laxenburg_ENEON.

At the Project Meeting on September 23-24, 2015 in Paris, the status of the task was discussed. The presentation given by Tiwah is available as keynote and pdf files. Another discussion of the status of the WP took place at the project meeting in Munster in April 2016. The presentation is available as keynote and pdf files.